jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

Task 4: Photo of Candelaria's Virgen Carnival

This picture was taken by me just in the moment that the Peruvians were celebrated the Candelaria’s Virgin day. That are a very old tradition in many places of the Andina region and every year the people realized processions whit the Virgen in their arms from one church along the streets, around the city until they arrive in other church and finish their procession. Those are huge celebrations where the people dress up as weird character. For example, that day had one men dressed up as a typical native girl calls “chola”, he had dreadlocks, a pink dress, high-heeled shoes and a girl mask on his face.

That was so stranger for me and my friends, because we thought that situation like a men dressed up as queer men. But the native people seemed be calm whit that situation, seemed like that didn’t matter wasn’t nothing out of ordinary things that happen every day. We thought that Peruvians were more strict and conserve but then we could understand that the carnival is the carnival, and every type of thing, like a men dressed up as a girl, is allow.

That are a cultural tradition, and in the beginning there had to have a meaning, but we never could found the answer.

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