lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

Task 5: Antropology

Anthropology is an area of social science witch specialty is the study of a culture. It has been many different definitions depend of the place that you see.
If you are a Social Anthropologist your study object will be the life culture and the cultural variation. But, if you are a physical anthropologist probably will define it like the study of the biological changes on the Homo sapiens, the influence of pathology illness in the human population. If you are an archeologist probably will define the study of anthropology like the study of material remains of died culture.
Sincerely I don’t know why I decide study specifically anthropology and no other career like sociology and psychology, maybe because at first sight it seems to be a holistic discipline where field work was an everyday issue. But it was a completely disappointment. I’m in second year and I haven’t had any field work, the career is more of the same academic works, with academics ways of see the reality, totally theory way. But I won’t take any decision yet, I want to wait until the time said me something new.

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