martes, 18 de agosto de 2009


This last first term of 2009 can be showed as my more difficult period of this career. I have one signature called Anthropologic IV, where I can study the materialism in anthropology and how this can be used as an important tool of cultural analysis. Furthermore, I found the importance of culture as social cement and the most incredible human ability, the environmental adaptation. Since I got in these studies I have never read something so interesting and that put me in to the real importance of the infrastructure. In fact, everything I have been studied consist in participative observation, symbolic interpretations, archeological analysis, prehistory, all so interesting thing but no one so useful and that make me so sense as this signature themes.
In other aspects, I practice football whit the female choice of my campus. That was very amusing and I learned so much. Furthermore, I am in the scout staff of my group additionally, therefore I had so much work because I had to prepared the winter camp; Yes, this last first term of 2009 was so stressing to me.
But, one light in the end of the way was waiting for me in that moment; I would travel to Bolivia in the winter holidays and that gave me many hopes and strength to finish that semester.

Finally everything went very good, and nobody died, included me.

2 comentarios:

  1. me aniquilo un poco, por qué leo todo en ingles?

  2. This last first term of 2009 can be showed as my more difficult period of this career. I have one signature called Anthropologic IV, where I can study the materialism in anthropology and how this can be used as an important tool of cultural analysis. Furthermore, I found the importance of culture as social WW cement and the most incredible human ability, the environmental adaptation. Since I got in these studies I have never read something so interesting and that put me in to the real importance of the infrastructure. In fact, everything I have been studied consist in participative observation, symbolic interpretations, archeological analysis, prehistory, all so interesting thing but no one so useful and that make me so sense as this signature themes.
    In other aspects, I practice football SP whit the female choice of my campus. That was very amusing and I learned so much. Furthermore, I am in the scout staff of my group additionally, therefore I had so much work because I had to prepared the winter camp; Yes, this last first term of 2009 was so stressing to me.
    But, one light in the end of the way was waiting for me in that moment; I would travel to Bolivia in the winter holidays and that gave me many hopes and strength to finish that semester.

    Finally everything went very good, and nobody died, included me.

    who would die?
    Anyway, you did use some linking words and you succeed
    well done

    p.s. you got a 6
