martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

Anthropology challenges

Today I’m going to speak about the most complicated “anthropology challenges”. One of them is related to the old and controversial authority conflict, that criticize the anthropology capacity of represent “the others” across the ethnography tool. James Clifford said that during a long time the anthropologist use the pretension how argument that give the true of him ethnographies. So, here we have the first problem, the capacity of one person to represent another culture only through the experiences living with that “other people”.

The second problem is related to the first problem , the anthropology have been used to use one kind of methodology paradigm-qualitative-with one kind of methodology tool-the ethnography- take as consequence a serious problem of representatively, validity and pertinence. Because, by one side, the anthropology work only have produced description, any kind of explication about a social problematic. In the other side, the capacity to speak about “the other” as an all is so far because the people consulted are too little.

However, there are solutions for both problems. About the first problem, James Clifford establish the “multivocality”, an ideal anthropologist with the capacity of represent all the voices not only the most important the calls “key informants”.
Concerning to the second problem, Patricio Tudela teacher of the signature calls “methodology research workshop” said us that we don’t have to take one or another option- qualitative or quantitative paradigm, as real opposite options, because now the usual in the anthropology work was use both to interpret and explain the reality. The different with our work are the anthropology perspective that began from the people expectations, from the “cultural capital” as said Bourdieu. Then, to get the necessary representation for the validity of the research we-the anthropologist- have to use the “ETIC” vision, I mean, we must to use quantitative methods like a survey.

Finally, another challenge that this discipline facing us is decide how specialty take, we have three options, archeology, social anthropology and physical anthropology. Those are so different but of course across in some aspects for the same all are very interesting to me.
I would like to take this oportunity to left one interest blog calls "The Angry Anthropologist goes hollywood". In this post he speak about the strikes!

PS: I want apologies to you Miss for the dissapointment of this course, I want to give thank to you, because I have learnt so much in this course, to read and write more fluent in english. Thanks and my apologies again!

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009

Being wealth

In the first place, I think that is difficult to me imagine me being wealth, I think that everything would be easy, anything cost me effort because today the money open the doors of the world in a lot of senses. However, if I could imagine me being rich the first think that I can thing is: I would be an “illegal mafia tycoon” and that have several advantages and other many disadvantages.
The main advantage of being that way is that I would have a lot of enemies, but, why this is an advantage could you answer, well this means a lot of entertaining! Have you looked “the godfather”? Just imagine all that adrenaline and the real risk complots. In addition, I would be bribing the rich politicians, threat the life of your families and giving favors in exchange for money. Besides, I would be above the law; therefore I could do everything that I would like to do.
Ok, being realist, the disadvantages are obvious; this way to being wealth is the worst, completely dangerous to my family such as for me. Although the submachine-gun sound is still tempting to me jaj, don’t worry I’m just kidding.
All in all, I strongly believe that the money don’t do the happiness, as many people could think, and being wealth doesn’t means that you have to be a bad person, or a sadistic malevolent crazy person, in the extreme way to think. It’s just that the wealth brings you a lot of power to do many things; Are the things that you do with power that you be a mafia-tycoon or a good person.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

The embarrassing moment: the egg vomit.

Several years ago, I was returning to my house very tired because the week had finished and it was late. So as all the days, I went to the bus stop to wait the bus number 428. There had passed two busses completely full but finally stopped a less full bus, I went up and look for some empty chair, all were busy less one at the back of the bus and I sat down there of course. I thought “wow, I don’t understand why this people didn’t want to sit down here, I’m so lucky”.
Suddenly I perceived little laughs round me and obviously I don’t understood anything, so I decided ask to the passenger sat down by my side what was happening. She answered, between explosive laughs, that I was sat on an egg vomit, and because of that anyone had wanted to sit there. Fabulous! It wasn't predictable?
Well, Proud of my amazing feat, I decided continue there until arrive to my house. The entire trip I heard laughs and murmurs about me and I had to dissimulated an apparent tranquility but I couldn't hide my shame, and it was worse.
But, as if it were not enough embarrassing, when I was arriving to my house I got up of the chair and touched the bus bell but the bus driver didn’t stop, so I had to walk to the front of the bus and speak with the bus driver. While I walked to forward, all passengers were laughed of my vomited ass.

This is it friends…!

martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

Our Faculty problems

Today we have three mainly problems: the infrastructure, the curriculum net and some bad teachers.
In the first thing, The library must be improved urgently ¿why? Well here we go, we don’t have any place to study in silence, our study area is noisy, and it doesn’t have enough tables and enough space for all the students. Moreover, this library doesn’t have enough books, many times doesn’t have the basic introduction books in consecuense we have to buy the photocopys and spend a lot of money. Our classroms are quite small and suddenly don’t have enough chairs. We even don’t have good laboratorys to, the place to realizated research experiments are quite poor.
However, recently have been a little improve, the administration of our faculty bought several new and fast computers, with ergonomic chairs, and that is something that we have to appreciate.
The second thing: the curriculum net. All the years there are changes in the order of the subjects, some are deleted and some appointed. There are teachers and student working in the development of the anthropologist profile, but this isn’t finished yet.
The third thing: teachers. We have had awful teachers in subjects quite importants, not very demanding and very lazy in some cases. I think that every faculty must have the best teachers, because the discipline is composed of the research and the works of the teachers, so, I consider more important that everything-infraestructure, curriculum net- have the best teachers. But, we have a quite effective tool “the docent evaluation”, that is composed of two cualitative and cuantitative part. This have been useful to fire the worst teachers, and that’s good.
Anyway, we have many kind of problems, but all of this is investigated and is known. In this way with the MECESUP proyect is expect to improved all of this problems and today is developing.
However, many arguments have emerged of these days, because some missed deadline, but that is another problem.

Dinner party or dinner hell?

Would you like to know how to go to a dinner party, and to be invited to the next gathering?
Well, this article is the next part of a couple of articles that teach you how to be a good guest. The first thing that everybody should know is that: prepare a dinner is a very hard work, takes many time and energy, so, the guest must be worry about the host and must be ready to help every time. The second thing that every guest must to know is that you can to arrive within 15 minutes of the time on the invitation, but never earlier. Basically because the host could not be ready and this could stress her/him.
The third thing that any guest has to know is always must to gift a little present to the host, for thanks the hard work that means prepare this dinner. Anyway, other thing that you don’t have to do is talk with one person only, because is disrespectful to the other guests and overall to the host. Finally, you have to try to clean the house, and obviously don’t be drunken people, make a disaster, vomit the carpet or the outside of the toilet.
In summary, if you are a Chilean guest, you probably won’t be invited to the next dinner party, because here this rules don’t exist and this is a sign of the Britain culture is totally different to our culture, many more strict and with so many rules that the dinner party translate in a dinner hell!

If you want yo know this article touch this link:

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

Frida Khalo

¿Do you know something about Frida Khalo? Well, today I’m going to speak about her movie, a kind of drama- documental that shows her life.
The history began with 4 Mexican people load a very typical Mexican bed with frida on it. Then an amazing cine effect -racconto- put you in the past of Frida, when she has a young girl, exactly before de accident. She was an intellectual girl, with miles of projects, a brave character and with different way to see the relations between men and woman and a very unusual way to understand the limits of the sex and the limits of the genre, in compare with other Mexican woman of her time. But, what accident could you question? Well, Frida was talking with her boyfriend on a track that translates them to someplace, the track driver was so angry and tries to overtake other track and in this moment crashed with a wall. Frida suffer serious injuries and break her vertebral spine brakes in million of pieces, this represent the began of all her particular way to feel and understand the pain and the human loneliness.
But, to continue with the history, Frida wake up after 3 weeks, cover with plaster on all her body, is there when she began to paint what was happen with her, through different hard, acid, tender, and finally proof symbols, that show us the greatest human contradiction or the human duality if you want: we don’t want to feel pain, and don’t want to feel alone, but this two feels go with us every place, and every time along our lives.

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

Santiago as a good tourist destiny.

Hi, well if you want to visit Santiago first you must know the particular geography of this region. In the east there is a huge mountain call Cordillera de los Andes. In this place there are all the more important skiing centers like “La Parva”, “Valle Nevado” and “Farellones”, so if you want to ski this is a great place to do that.
In the middle of the city there are 2 big hills that you must to visit. One of them calls Santa Lucia, situated in the heart of the city. Is a little, historic and beautiful hill, good if you want to go for a quiet walk surrounded by gorgeous trees. As well as being beautiful, it is a very historic place, because there was a fortification where the conquers fight against the Mapuches. The second hill is bigger than Santa Lucia, it calls San Cristobal hill. In this place you will find the national zoo, the funicular, the railway on the air, many green areas like Japanese garden, Mapulemu garden, Caupolican Garden for example. If you want to do sport like cycling, running, walking this is a good place to. There are many viewpoints surrounding the hill, when you can see the entire city and its beautiful sunsets.
In the northwest of the city you have the Quinta Normal park, a big place that have several museums like Natural History Museum and Arlequin Museum, Train Museum and Infant Museum. Near the city center, there is the Forestal Park that is the longest park of the city. It is an interesting place particularly the Sundays because these days there are street theatre shows, juggling and many Chilean families go with their kids to play in game square.
Definitely this is a very good city to visit and toured all over. I hope you can have a good time.