This history began in the summer of 2007, when I arrived from the south of Chile. I couldn’t believe it, because all the buses had suddenly disappeared. So, I remembered that in February of this year Transantiago system should be inaugurated.
Nevertheless, I had a bad feeling; something told me that would be a terrible chaos when all the workers and students returned from their holidays. And that’s the way how it happened, there weren’t buses for the people, there were rows of people with several meters of distance, buses and stop buses over crowded, furthermore of people that grasp your intimate parts and many old women fainted. Clearly the old problems like traffic, smog and drivers competitions were gone, but the buses absence generated much other different kind of problems.
People have to walk so much before to find one recharged “bip!” place. I think that this new system there was installed before the moment, and the staff don’t worry about investigate what was the people’s trips.
Nevertheless, I think that the systems have been improved in comparison with the first moment related to the routes, because now exists a complex organization with all the possibilities to travel over Santiago. In addition, now the work conditions are more regulated and the drives better assigned. But I’m sure that other important things have been lost, for that I want to read some research that shows me the real changes.
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Hace 3 años