miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

my ideal job

Today I’m going to speak about my ideal job. I would like to work in a mix of things, doing practice things, and theory things. May be teaching, and studying at the same time. Maybe travel to far places around this country and do some projects at the same time. Perhaps looking for traces of rock art and participating in research projects.
The truth is that my ideal necessarily be working with people, developing any kind of project, and of course, to allow me to travel and learn about deep behavior of cultures and discover new and interesting things.
For this kind of job I need to know so much about methodology, quantitative and qualitative techniques, so much about culture and economy too, and some much about working with people.
I think that I will be good for this job because I think that I am a creative person that be necessary for a job like this, furthermore I have ability to work in group.

Furthermore, as this is my ideal job would be excellent and because he would be doing what I like.
To find a job like that, would have to pass many years, but I’m patience and I the things don’t come to me I’m looking for that.

lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

My favorite subjects

This is my third year in the University, so I have had many interesting subjects that I can consider as my favorites. I would like to speak about some of them. At first I did “history I”, with the teachers Ximena Cortes and Bernardo Gonzales. They were the best teachers that I never had, because they used an excellent kind of teaching methodology. But more than that, they taught me how to think the history beyond the traditional history books, looking into the different temporalities like demography and economy, politics, religion, or ideology. These kinds of temporalities were called by Fernand Braudel as “long, medium and short duration”. He attempted to create a new way to understand the history, like a triple structure. He used the “river metaphor”, where the deepest river current, which has the slowest speed, is the “long duration”, the middle current is the “middle duration” and the more superficial current that have the fastest speed was “short duration”. Definitely this was one of my favorite subjects.

But, this year, I think that my favorite subject is Anthropology III, with the teacher Andres Aedo. Simply because this is the only one that I have learned something so interesting and new. Moreover, the way of teach of this professor, using contextual examples, allow me do links between the reality and materialistic anthropological theories. One of the theories that I have learnt this semester is “cultural materialism”. But I had to do a presentation about this a couple of weeks ago, so I don’t stop in the description of that.
Now I have could understand that my favorites subjects have been related with the methodological way of teaching of the teachers.