martes, 19 de mayo de 2009

Task 8:do I think that school kills creativity?

I think there is noithing more unpleasant that listen to a kind of joke in other language, and don’t understand anything.
But, related to this task, do I think that school kills creativity? Well I think in the most of the cases this statement is right, furthermore in the most of Chilean Schools. I know kinds of education that improve the creativity in the child, like Montessori and Waldorf, but this school are so expensive and far of the moist of people, that are an exception and a privilege. The reality is that Chile isn’t a creativity specialist, and is not important this kind of thinks if the real education doesn’t matter too. There are many schools that don’t even have good teachers. Even more there are scholars that in the last grade of their school don’t know how to do a split. It’s very important that creativity have a better place in big list of educations needs, but at first it’s more important that government take on the responsibility in improve of the education system.
I think that creativity is fundamental to the development of child’s talents, because I believe in a humanistic way of see the people, where everybody have different kinds of potentials that can be develops through the early stimulation with a good education.

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

Task 6: In five years

In five years…
I think that five years is not too much but it times enough to have realized some of my projects.
I would like to be working in some interesting research with my present classmates and friends; I don’t know what kind of research but may by about something related with anthropology issues. I think that I will stay putting in practice all the methodological tools that I will have learned in this career in the development of one social project.
I would like to make known the anthropological knowledge so I would like to be development some projects may be a kind of expositions in schools or something like that. Also, development a kind of documental about the culture or about the scientific anthropology knowledge. Probably I will stay living with my friends in some apartment near from the city center with an amazing view in the last floor (dream is free). I think that I will plan some kind of trip to travel to a far place of the world, like China, India or Africa, with some of my old and new friends or future lover may be I hope jaja.